Drug And Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers
near Princeton Junction, NJ 08550

Records per Page:
Top 50 company records
Click on column headers to sort up/down.
Business NameCityBusiness TypeStatusRatingDistanceRow
Spencer Recovery Center Laguna Beach Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers .
4.1 star rating
Bella La Vita Company Malibu Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers .
5.0 star rating
449 Recovery, Inc. San Clemente Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers . 24042
Serenity at Summit Princeton Junction West Windsor Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 03
Choicepoint Dayton Corporate Mailbox Dayton Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 74
Choicepoint Dayton Corporate Mailbox Dayton Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 75
ChoicePoint Flemington Corporate Mailbox Flemington Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 176
Rehab Company Riverside Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 267
High Focus Centers Cranford Outpatient Rehab & Mental Health Cranford Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 288
ChoicePoint Linden Corporate Mailbox Linden Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 299
ChoicePoint Springfield Corporate Mailbox Springfield Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3010
Rolling Hills Recovery Center Chester Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3111
Rolling Hills Recovery Center Chester Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3112
ChoicePoint Ocean Corporate Mailbox Ocean Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3213
Serenity at Summit Florham Park Florham Park Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3314
ChoicePoint Morristown Corporate Mailbox Morristown Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3315
The Healing Center - Cherry Hill Cherry Hill Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3416
Mainstream Health Counselor NJ Irvington Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3417
Milestone Addiction Treatment Merchantville Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3418
Touchstone Health Caring Center Irvington Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3419
ChoicePoint Toms River Corporate Mailbox Toms River Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3420
Harbor Caring Treatment Center Irvington Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3421
Recruit Drug Treatments Newark Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3622
New Horizon Rehab Center Network Newark Newark Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3623
New Horizon Rehab Center Network Philadelphia Philadelphia Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 3824
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