Review 4/15/2010
Advance Services is a Fraud/Scam. When you call to inquire about a rental listing they advise that they are a rental management company and that they have several listings available to view. They charge a $180 refundable fee if they dont help you find somewhere to live. They only take cash or money order(sign of fraud) and they give you a list of places to go look at. The list are hand written which addresses scribbled all over the paper. When you tell them that you are not happy with the service and you want a refund they tell you to talk to customer service. If you get a hold of customer service then you are advised to call back after 90days from the intial contract date. Then when you call back after 90 day customer service will tell you Louie will call you with in 7-10 Business days. You will NOT get a call from Louie. If you complain enough and call evryday for at least 1 month then you might receive and unknown call. If you answer the call they will hang up but if you miss the call they will leave a voicemail stating that they tried to reach you and will try again which will not happen unless they know your serious about pressing charges. They will tell you that you are with in your right. If you get a call from Louie he will tell you that the refund is denied because the contract states you are to fill out an update sheet (which doesn't exsist) 2 times a week. They are a big time Fraud. If you got scammed the owner is Jaime Valadiz and he needs to be stopped.