Review 1/20/2010
Kymaro falsely advertises expedited processing of orders and then charges its customers $6.95 for this option. While it is an option to its customers, the term "expedited processing" implies that an order will be entered and processed more quickly than non-expedited orders. This is not true for Kymaro. Apparently it means that they will lie and say your order has shipped on one day, but when you get the tracking information because it hasn't arrived in the time expected for an "expedited" order, you find that it actually shipped TWO DAYS LATER than your invoice says.
IMO, Kymaro is ripping people off with their ridiculous expedited processing option. If you choose to order any products from this company, DO NOT USE THE EXPEDITED PROCESSING OPTION - you will get your order in the same amount of time as everyone else!
Further, it is next to impossible to get a human being on the phone. And when you email customer service, they aren't really any help at all!