Review 9/14/2011
September 14, 2011
After sharing our frustration and struggles trying to obtain a loan modification, a helpful neighbor and realtor, Fred Orsinger, kindly referred us to Troy Freeman of GBA Law Processors and Negotiators for help.
My husband and I suffered a significant reduction in income and had already been trying for close to a year to get our modification from Bank of America for our home loan that was formerly with Countrywide. Before I began losing my eyesight to a degenerative disease, I earned a degree in Finance and worked for over 16 years in the escrow and mortgage industry. Despite my background, I found it extremely difficult to navigate the grueling and complicated process of obtaining a loan modification. Since Troy was so highly recommended by our neighbor, I called him immediately
I am compelled to tell you that Troy Freeman is a Godsend. His professional expertise and spiritual support is a winning combination. The respect that he has earned and the contacts that he has developed within the industry make him invaluable. His expertise made it possible for him to help resolve issues that were delaying the completion of our modification. While it did not happen overnight and required great patience and persistence on my part and Troy’s, I am happy to report that my husband and I have received a permanent mortgage loan modification that has enabled us to keep our home! Thank you, Troy Freeman, and thank you, Fred Orsinger, and a special thanks to our neighbor, Pastor Janet. God bless you all – people like you make the world a better place.
Shirley K.