Joel A.'s review of Paramount Asset Management Corporation

Paramount Asset Management Corporation

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 11/22/2010
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Review 11/22/2010
WARNING!!!! Please do not do business with this company. Ryan Harris will reel you in and tell you what you want to hear to get your money and that is it. You will never hear from him again. In order for them to start the process, they need $1,500 first. I dropped it off at the office and he gave him all the documents they asked for. He said that if they didn't get us the modification, they were entitled to keep $700 because that is their processing fee and we would get back our $2,300. He called me a few days later telling me that I was approved so I asked him how much was I approved for and he said that he couldn't tell me until they get the other $1,500. Everything that they asked for (paperwork and money) they received on time. When I told him that my wife was dropping off the check, his specific words to me was "Just have her drop it off but we don't have time to discuss your case". Right there, I should've just stopped but received advice to just give it a shot. Instead of my wife dropping the check off, I went too. He told me that I qualified for modification for about $1,100 and that I should receive new load docs in the mail. It might take 30 to 60 days to receive these new docs. Instead of receiving the new loan docs, I was getting foreclosure notices in the mail. When I called them back to see what was going on, they requested two most recent pay check stubs and bank statements. This has been going on since March 2010. Everytime they asked for pay check stubs and bank statements they received them on time. All I got back was "your sales date has been postponed". When I ask for a status on the modification, I get "the bank is still reviewing it". On November 3, 2010, I ask for another update and this is what I got from Yesenia, "I called ASC to get an update on your loan on 10/29 and they told me they had denied it because they didnt have the signed 1040 page 2 of your tax return but I made the representative look through the documents and she found the page and realized the document was in their system. The representative sent an escalation email so that the account can be reviewed as to why it was denied and to have it set back up in Loss Mitigation. I called this morning to see if their error has been corrected and they are still reviewing it. They are also reviewing the request I submitted in order to postpone your sale date. I will follow up with them again tomorrow". I check my email November 8, 2010 only to find out that my house is being sold. I asked what happened and she tells me that she has tried contacting me several times the week before. I told her with something important as this, I should've been called. I'm not always in front of email. Now when I ask for a number or department to contact about my refund, I GET NO RESPONSE. I call their number, NOBODY PICKS UP. I am not going to rest until I get my $2,300.00 back. If I don't get a response back within the next day or so, please expect me to be there at their office in person.
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