Ethel P.'s review of Smith Brothers Appliance Repair

Smith Brothers Appliance Repair

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 4/25/2011
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Review 4/25/2011
I rarely use the dishwasher and I never had a dishwasher before a year
ago so I'm not very familiar with operating them, not that it's rocket
science. But one night I decided to use it. I put in the soap and
turned it on. Not long after that, one of the dogs was in the kitchen
barking as if there were an intruder in there, she sounded very
worried. I waited to see if she would stop, but she didn't. Then I
went to look and found that there was soapy water spreading across the
kitchen floor from the dishwasher. I turned it off and looked inside.
There was water standing inside the dishwasher. I had used it a few
times before and nothing like this had ever happened before. I'm glad
the dog was bothered by it, otherwise the whole kitchen would've been
flooded before I would know what was happening. I waited about a week
and the water did not dry up. It was still sitting inside the
dishwasher. So, I looked for an appliance repair company. I chose
Smith Brothers Appliance Repair based on reviews. I was given an
appointment a couple of days later. The repairman came right on-time
and he was friendly. He got to work, trying different things to try to
get the water to drain out of the dishwasher. He wasn't sure what had
happened. When the dishwasher was turned on, water came from the
bottom of the door. After trying different things, the repairman
finally figured out that what had happened was that I had mistakenly
used the wrong kind of soap. I had put the regular dish soap into it,
which had caused a lot of suds and bubbles, and that was what the
problem was. It took a long time but using rags, but finally all the
water was removed from the dishwasher. I haven't used it since then.
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