Karen K.'s review of Westinghouse Digital, LLC.

Westinghouse Digital, LLC.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 5/16/2013
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Appallingly poor quality merchanise and even worse customer service. Total FRAUD.
I purchased two LED TV's from Best Buy last year, and am SO regretting it. Yes, the prices are amazing, but in the case of this company, the saying is true, you really do get what you pay for. The 46" set I bout had issues at the 6 month mark, I called
for service, and the service tech took a look at it and said basically I'm out of luck and these tv's aren't meant to last that long and left. Unacceptable. I complained about the service tech and tried to get it repaired again but nothing ever happened. EXACTLY
one month after the warranty expired the tv just shut off and died. And now it's a big black piece of pointless plastic in my livingroom. I tried calling customer service like so many other people and couldn't even get through multiple times, and my most recent
call was put on hold for THREE HOURS. I waited that long of a time because I wanted them to know how ridiculous and unacceptable this was. I finally decided to email anyone at westinghouse I could find and the next day got a call from a support rep saying
he was instructed to handle this swiftly. I was happy to hear they actually might care about their customers and their products, but it's been a week and a half since that call and i'm no nearer to resolving this than before. I was told i'd be called within
an hour, no call. definitely tomorrow, no call. Can't help me because managers are "in meetings". Emails promised and never sent. I've followed up with email and told the emails were sent and were just probably in my spam folder. NO. They were not. I feel
like they dangle carrots in from of customers to get them to think they'll taken care of and then purposely jerk them around hoping we'll just go away and not bother them anymore. MOST HORRENDOUS CUSTOMER SERVICE I've EVER experienced. I will NEVER EVER buy
anything Westinghouse makes again in my lifetime, and if you're smart you'll do the same. Also, their facebook page has been brought back and now does not allow posts by consumers except for comments on their own posts. They're very subtly trying to shut down
the very rampant and pervasie unahppiness with their products and company. I was even told the model of TV I bought a year ago is no longer made "because of all the issues" they had. Wonderful. Keep robbing people Westinghouse. I smell a class action lawsuit
and too have filed a complaint with the BBB.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (800) 701-0680 Address   500 North State College Blvd. Suite 1300
Orange, CA 92868
Website   http://www.westinghousedigital.com Email  
Contact   Rynette Kerl Other  
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